a quirky & witty web comic

Demotivational Posters

Comics about Demotivational Posters by taleas. Taleas is a cute, quirky, random and slightly weird web comic. You won't find too many recurring characters a plot or a deliberately cohesive story. Each individual comic is intended to stand on its own. Below you'll find an easy to browse archive of all of taleas' comics.

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Not Listening Demotivational Poster

#121: Not Listening Demotivational Poster

Demotivational Poster with black background. Blue text reads, "The most destructive thing one person can do to another is not listen." - I don't remember, I wasn't listening
Team Demotivational Poster

#112: Team Demotivational Poster

Demotivational poster with the word TEAM written in a square-blocky style with a lowercase letter "i" as the whitespace in the letter "a". The caption reads: "Apparently there is an "I" in team after all!".
Ideation Demotivational Poster

#80: Ideation Demotivational Poster

A poster containing a lit candle, a tungston lightbulb and a compact fluorescent bulb. "Ideation: and you thought you were the first to have a bright idea."
Punctuality Demotivational Poster

#74: Punctuality Demotivational Poster

A poster with a worm wearing a necktie with the sun rising in the distance. "Punctuality: as for the early worm - well, he gets eaten alive by the first hungry bird that comes along."
Achievement Demotivational Poster

#70: Achievement Demotivational Poster

A poster with a stick figure standing on top of a very tall mountain. Two taller mountains overshadow the very tall mountain. The stick figure exclaims, "Seriously?!". "Achievement: Sometimes it's better to just lower your standards."
Endurance Demotivational Poster

#68: Endurance Demotivational Poster

A melted snowman. "Endurance: even the best have limits."
Courage Demotivational Poster

#65: Courage Demotivational Poster

A stick figure jumps off a cliff into very shallow water with rocks. "Courage: easily confused with stupidity"
Perseverance Demotivational Poster

#64: Perseverance Demotivational Poster

An iceberg. "Perseverance: impossible, buddy that was just the beginning."