a quirky & witty web comic

#16: Big Race

How I was born before my brother: two sperm are chatting with one telling the other that they're going to race to the egg and back and the first one back wins.

The Story Behind Big Race

Do you ever think about the wild, random lottery you won to be born? Your entire existence all started with a couple of tiny little cells. Well, really it all started with two people deciding they wanted to spend the night together thanks to love, lust,too much alcohol, or a really awkward dare. But then your conception became a big game of chance. From millions and millions of eager sperm came just the right match. Then, once sperm and egg met, a nine-month journey began where literally anything could go wrong. But it all worked out, the dominoes fell in the right way and — boom — you arrived, a screaming bundle of joy.

Although procreation is a natural process that has happened for eons, it’s still crazy to think that everything lined up the right way to create...you. A seemingly endless list of boxes to check off, one after another, all so you could arrive healthy and fully-formed and able to read this cute little comic telling you how lucky you are.

Plain Text Description of Big Race

How I was born before my brother: two sperm are chatting with one telling the other that they're going to race to the egg and back and the first one back wins.

from the taleas shop