a quirky & witty web comic

#11: Schrodinger's Kitten

There is a scientist, a little girl and an open box between them. The little girl asks the scientist, "Dr. Schrödinger what happened to my kitten?" To which he responds, "science."

The Story Behind Schrodinger's Kitten

Quantum physics is one of my favorite subjects. I try to pretend to understand everything I read on the subject, but I rarely fully understand everything. Schrödinger's Cat is a fantastic thought experiment explained in 1935 by German Physicist Erwin Schrödinger that helps explain the quantum superposition "blurred model" problem. Simply put, early Quantum Mechanics defined intermediate states for subatomic particles (really really really tiny things being between two states). However, these subatomic particles' state could impact the outcome of a much larger system or object (one big thing made up of many really really really tiny things that can be in this "blurry" position). Believing this would be as silly as believing that a cat in a box could both be alive and dead at the same time just because we don't know the exact moment of an atom decaying.

Plain Text Description of Schrodinger's Kitten

There is a scientist, a little girl and an open box between them. The little girl asks the scientist, "Dr. Schrödinger what happened to my kitten?" To which he responds, "science."

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