a cute & witty web comic

#3: Escargot

Once there was a snail who was tired of being slow. He went out and bought a really fast sports car and had the dealer paint a big "S" on each side of it. Now, whenever someone sees him zooming past in his new car, they say, "Hey, look at that s-car go!"

The Story Behind Escargot

Dad jokes: people love to hate on them, but we all secretly laugh at them. My first memory of this joke is from Trading Places with Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd.

Plain Text Description of Escargot

Once there was a snail who was tired of being slow. He went out and bought a really fast sports car and had the dealer paint a big "S" on each side of it. Now, whenever someone sees him zooming past in his new car, they say, "Hey, look at that s-car go!"

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