a quirky & witty web comic

Comic Archive

Taleas is a cute, quirky, random and slightly weird web comic. You won't find too many recurring characters a plot or a deliberately cohesive story. Each individual comic is intended to stand on its own. Below you'll find an easy to browse archive of all of taleas' comics.
Bird and Clean Car

#61: Bird and Clean Car

"Why do birds do this?" A person has just finished polishing their car to perfection. A bird flies over the car and poops on it.

#60: Admission

A person is in a padded jacket in a padded room. "Admission is the first step on the road to recovery."
Infinite Cubicles

#59: Infinite Cubicles

A large grid of line-art stick-figure cubicles arranged in an isometric pattern. Notable ones include a character peeking over the wall at a coworker. Pin-the-tail on the donkey. A cubicle with a happy birthday sign. Two people making out in a storage room. Someone burning papers to make s'mores. A character asleep on a cot. A moose head hanging on a cubicle wall.
Light at the End of the Tunnel

#58: Light at the End of the Tunnel

A mountain with a train entering a tunnel on one side and two stick figures entering the tunnel on the opposite side. One stick figure joyously proclaims, "See! We haven't even started yet and I can already see the light!"
Warm Hand of Death

#57: Warm Hand of Death

Two lobsters are chatting in a small lobster tank. One lobster asks the other, "You ever get the feeling that some day the warm hand of death will come down and scoop you away?"

#56: Pi

A frustrated female stick figure with a pony tail asks a human-sized letter pi, "It just never ends with you does it?"
Addicted Eskimo #2

#55: Addicted Eskimo #2

An eskimo - pointing to a new freezer - sheepishly tries to explain the purchase to a polar bear, "What? it was on sale!"
Memory Goes Second

#54: Memory Goes Second

A balding, elderly stick figure with a cane explains to a child, "When you grow old, your memory is always the second thing to go." "What's the first?" the child asks. After a long pause the elderly stick figure responds, "...the first what?"
Dead iPhone

#53: Dead iPhone

In the form of a math equation with an iPhone plus a washing machine equals an iPhone with the retro Macintosh dead icon.
Fortune Cookie

#52: Fortune Cookie

A blank fortune inside a fortune cookie.

Viewing Comics 91 - 100 of 151