a quirky & witty web comic

#30: Never Thought

A stick figure sitting in a recliner reading newspaper advertisements exclaims, "What's this? Coupons for Rogaine, Bengay and Poligrip! ...oh, happy day!" "I've always dreaded this day."

The Story Behind Never Thought

It’s true what they say: one day you’re young and the next day you’re old. When you’re a teen or in your twenties, you feel unstoppable and unbreakable. Then the years start to catch up on you and, before you know it, you’re stiffer than a board and creaking like an old wooden door. Your body starts to change and slow, you get some new hair you didn’t expect and lose some hair you loved - no took for granted, and you have to play your favorite songs, and the television, a few notches louder. Aging can be scary but it can also be rewarding too. You find a rhythm and stability that you didn’t have in your younger years. Yet, there are still moments of sheer terror, like when you get your first grey hair or your doctor asks for you to schedule a colonoscopy. Why does being 20 feel like a million years ago?

Plain Text Description of Never Thought

A stick figure sitting in a recliner reading newspaper advertisements exclaims, "What's this? Coupons for Rogaine, Bengay and Poligrip! ...oh, happy day!" "I've always dreaded this day."

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