a cute & witty web comic

🤔 I wasn't able to find the meme

Get Out Of Dana Friend Zone Imbossibru

There could be many reasons for this: a broken link, the file could have been removed from my server, DMCA takedown, alien abduction, ghosts, demons, wizards, you get the picture. I hate dissappointing, so here's a random comic from the taleas archives instead!

A male stick figure walks out of the shower talking to a female stick figure who is sitting at a table, "That new NAIR shampoo smells disgusting!" The female stick figure responds, "Nair shampoo?" All of the male stick figure's hair falls onto the floor: "I'm going back to bed." The female stick figure notes sarcastically, "That's a good look for you."

Plain Text Description of Nair

A male stick figure walks out of the shower talking to a female stick figure who is sitting at a table, "That new NAIR shampoo smells disgusting!" The female stick figure responds, "Nair shampoo?" All of the male stick figure's hair falls onto the floor: "I'm going back to bed." The female stick figure notes sarcastically, "That's a good look for you."