a cute & witty web comic

#19: Subtitles Bad Drivers

People who need subtitles: Bad Drivers. A car. Translation: "Hello, I am about to cut you off...then slam on my breaks...without warning."

The Story Behind Subtitles Bad Drivers

Illustrated by EEK.

Driving is really crazy when you think about it. You are literally given the power to handle and control a giant piece of machinery that could injure, destroy and kill. Make no mistake, cars are obviously very useful - and have helped shape the modern world - but they are also very, very dangerous. But we allow one another to drive and we just hope that everyone is as careful as we are. I would say that evidence proves that people most definitely are not. It’s not that everyone is out-and-out life threatening in all their movies, just that they’re so careless. Changing lanes without indication, hitting the brakes as if they’re the only soul on the road, doing their make-up or hair or brushing their teeth with one hand on the wheel — people just don’t seem to care sometimes. And it has always been that way. Studies and history shows that people have always been bad at driving. We even crash horse-led carriages!

I wish people were safer but if they won’t be, I wish there was at least some way for me to know just exactly what they are thinking...like a big electronic sign on the back window screaming “Hey, I’m eating a burrito and texting!”.

Plain Text Description of Subtitles Bad Drivers

People who need subtitles: Bad Drivers. A car. Translation: "Hello, I am about to cut you off...then slam on my breaks...without warning."

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