a cute & witty web comic

#56: Pi

A frustrated female stick figure with a pony tail asks a human-sized letter pi, "It just never ends with you does it?"

The Story Behind Pi

For whatever reason, infinite things comfort me. Irrational numbers, the method of exhaustion, infinitesimals, Galileo's paradox and our good ol' irrational friend Pi each hold a special place in my mind and help ground me whenever I start feeling mentally claustrophobic or boxed-in. From what I recall the Egyptians had a fairly solid grasp on geometry and were able to define pi as 256/81. They obviously didn't call it pi, but did understand that number was the anchor to the "most correct" way to determine the area of a circle. Mathematicians from Archimedes to Newton, Euler to Ramanujan have all left their mark on pi.

Also, happy, happy pi day!

Plain Text Description of Pi

A frustrated female stick figure with a pony tail asks a human-sized letter pi, "It just never ends with you does it?"

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