a cute & witty web comic

#65: Courage Demotivational Poster

A stick figure jumps off a cliff into very shallow water with rocks. "Courage: easily confused with stupidity"

The Story Behind Courage Demotivational Poster

What is courage? Some say it is achieving something and that involves risk and challenge and vulnerability. Some say it is being a leader. Some say courage is being outspoken. I think courage is a lot of things incorporating all of those attributes. But courage is almost being smart.

Intelligence and forethought are an essential part of being courageous. Without those, you can’t overcome anything or lead anyone or speak out in any way. A courageous person is a leader in many ways and who can lead without smarts? There are far too many people who think being the loudest or most confident person makes you courageous and strong but it doesn’t. The truly courageous person is the one who plots a path and overcomes fear and pushes themselves to achieve. It’s not the person who leaps before the rest of the pack so they can look like a hero. Don’t ever fall in line behind someone who swears up and down that they are courageous, they will lead you straight off a cliff.

It really is about a belief and courage to look inside yourself. Sometimes the most courageous person is the one who knows when to say no. A lot of people fall in line with who they perceive to be the most courageous person but without the sort of self-courage to ask yourself if you're making the right move, that could lead to disaster. How many people have fallen into financial ruin or inner turmoil because they have drunk the Kool-Aid of those they blindly trust?

No, if you want to be courageous, it's got to be all about your own courage and not that of others. Leading yourself - for better or for worse - is one of the most courageous things you can do.

Plain Text Description of Courage Demotivational Poster

A stick figure jumps off a cliff into very shallow water with rocks. "Courage: easily confused with stupidity"

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